Majors / Admission

Academic Curriculum

2025 Academic Calendar

Global Business Administration

Category Grade 1st semester 2nd semester
Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3 Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3
1 QY001 대학생활설계
(College Life Design)
1 1
QY023 한국어말하기듣기(1)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(1))
2 2 QY025 한국어말하기듣기(2)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(2))
2 2
QY020 한국어쓰기(1)
(Korean Writing(1))
2 2 QY021 한국어쓰기(2)
(Korean Writing(2))
2 2
QY024 한국어읽기(1)
(Korean Reading(1))
2 2 QY026 한국어읽기(2)
(Korean Reading(2))
2 2
2 QY022 한국의예절과문화
(Korean Manners and culture)
2 2
Elective General
1~4 (Courses are opened in 1st and 2nd semester) Foreign students complete 14 credits for Elective General Education.
Basic Under
1 SJ007 비즈니스컴퓨팅
(Business Computing)
3 1 2 SJ004 Business Statistics
3 1 2
SJ008 학술적글쓰기
(Academic Writing)
3 1 2 SJ005 Service Management
3 2 1
SJ009 글로벌매너
(Global Manners)
3 1 2 SJ006 한국문화개론
(Introduction to Korean Culture)
3 1 2
Major 2 OA201 Principles of Accounting 3 2 1 OA206 Business Communication 3 2 1
OA202 Securities Markets 3 2 1 OA207 Managerial Decision Analysis 3 2 1
OA203 Introduction to Management Science 3 2 1 OA208 Management Information Systems 3 2 1
OA204 Principles of Economics 3 3 OA209 Principles of Marketing 3 3
OA205 Organizational Behavior 3 3 OA210 Financial Management 3 2 1
3 OA301 Production and Operations Management 3 2 1 OA305 Organization Theory 3 2 1
OA302 Consumer Behavior 3 3 OA306 Information Management 3 2 1
OA303 Investments 3 2 1 OA307 Service Operations Management 3 2 1
OA304 Personnel Management 3 3 OA308 Management Accounting 3 2 1
4 OA401 Strategic Management 3 3 OA404 Distribution & Information System 3 3
OA402 Business Data Analytics 3 2 1 OA405 Financial Market and Institutions 3 2 1
OA403 Market Research 3 2 1 OA406 International Business
(Capstone Design)
3 2 1
Total of Major 36 29 7 Total of Major 36 26 10

Cr1: Credits, Th2: Theory, Pr3: Practice

Graduation credits (졸업학점 구조표)
Category Basic General
Elective General Education Basic Under
Major Graduation
Single Major 14 14 18 More than 54 130
Double Major or Minor See the 『Curriculum Guide』 p.6.(제2전공 복수 이수) or p.7.(부전공과정 이수)
※ Double Major: Completion of 36 major credits in each major
※ Minor: Completion of whole required original major credits and 21 major credits in minor major

Global Hospitality Management

Category Grade 1st semester 2nd semester
Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3 Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3
1 QY001 대학생활설계
(College Life Design)
1 1
QY023 한국어말하기듣기(1)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(1))
2 2 QY025 한국어말하기듣기(2)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(2))
2 2
QY020 한국어쓰기(1)
(Korean Writing(1))
2 2 QY021 한국어쓰기(2)
(Korean Writing(2))
2 2
QY024 한국어읽기(1)
(Korean Reading(1))
2 2 QY026 한국어읽기(2)
(Korean Reading(2))
2 2
2 QY022 한국의예절과문화
(Korean Manners and culture)
2 2
Elective General Education 1~4 (Courses are opened in 1st and 2nd semester) Foreign students complete 14 credits for Elective General Education.
Basic Under
1 SJ007 비즈니스컴퓨팅
(Business Computing)
3 1 2 SJ004 Business Statistics
3 1 2
SJ008 학술적글쓰기
(Academic Writing)
3 1 2 SJ005 Service Management
3 2 1
SJ009 글로벌매너
(Global Manners)
3 1 2 SJ006 한국문화개론
(Introduction to Korean Culture)
3 1 2
Major 2 OB201 The Principles of Hospitality 3 3 OB206 Introduction to Hotel Management 3 3
OB202 Hospitality Marketing 3 3 OB207 Hotel Front Office Management 3 2 1
OB203 Hospitality Cost Control 3 2 1 OB209 Hospitality Finance 3 2 1
OB205 MIS in Hospitality 3 1 2 OB210 Coffee Barista Practice 3 1 2
OB302 Foodservice Industry 3 3 OB211 Hospitality정보기술
(Hospitality Information Technology)
3 1 2
3 OB301 Market Research for Hospitality 3 3 OB306 Hospitality Human Resource Management 3 2 1
OB303 Cocktail & Wine Practice 3 1 2 OB307 Hotel Sales & Promotion 3 1 2
OB304 Tourism Event Planning 3 2 1 OB309 Hospitality Strategic Management 3 3
OB305 MICE Industry 3 2 1 OB310 Hotel Food & Beverage Management 3 1 2
OB311 Hospitality Big Data Analytics 3 1 2 OB312 Internship in Hospitality
& Tourism Industry
3 3
4 OB401 Global Hospitality Leadership 3 1 2 OB403 Hospitality Project Management(Capstone Design) 3 1 2
OB402 Current Trends in Hospitality 3 1 2 OB404 Seminar in Career Development 3 1 2
Total of Major 36 23 13 Total of Major 36 18 18

Cr1: Credits, Th2: Theory, Pr3: Practice

Graduation credits (졸업학점 구조표)
Category Basic General
Elective General Education Basic Under
Major Graduation
Single Major 14 14 18 More than 54 130
Double Major or Minor See the 『Curriculum Guide』 p.6.(제2전공 복수 이수) or p.7.(부전공과정 이수)
※ Double Major: Completion of 36 major credits in each major
※ Minor: Completion of whole required original major credits and 21 major credits in minor major

Global Korean Studies

Category Grade 1st semester 2nd semester
Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3 Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3
General Education
1 QY001 대학생활설계
(College Life Design)
1 1
QY023 한국어말하기듣기(1)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(1))
2 2 QY025 한국어말하기듣기(2)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(2))
2 2
QY020 한국어쓰기(1)
(Korean Writing(1))
2 2 QY021 한국어쓰기(2)
(Korean Writing(2))
2 2
QY024 한국어읽기(1)
(Korean Reading(1))
2 2 QY026 한국어읽기(2)
(Korean Reading(2))
2 2
2 QY022 한국의예절과문화
(Korean Manners and culture)
2 2
Elective General Education 1~4 (Courses are opened in 1st and 2nd semester) Foreign students complete 14 credits for Elective General Education.
(1, 2학기 동시 개설) 외국인 유학생은 선택교양 14학점 이수
Basic Under
1 SJ007 비즈니스컴퓨팅
(Business Computing)
3 1 2 SJ004 Business Statistics
3 1 2
SJ008 학술적글쓰기
(Academic Writing)
3 1 2 SJ005 Service Management
3 2 1
SJ009 글로벌매너
(Global Manners)
3 1 2 SJ006 한국문화개론
(Introduction to Korean Culture)
3 1 2
2 OC201 한국사의이해
(Understanding of Korean HIstory)
3 3 OC205 K-Food의이해
(Understanding of K-Food)
3 2 1
OC202 한국의자연과문화탐방
(Experience to Nature and Culture in Korea)
3 2 1 OC206 외국어로서의한국어표현교육론
(The Theory of Korean Language Expression Education)
3 3
OC203 외국어로서의한국어교육론
(Introduction to Korean language Education)
3 3 OC207 외국어로서의한국어이해교육론
(The Theory of Korean Language Understanding Education)
3 3
OC204 K-Pop의이해
(Understanding of K-Pop)
3 2 1 OC208 미디어경영 (Media Management) 3 2 1
3 OC301 K-Movie의이해
(Understanding of K-Movie)
3 2 1 OC307 K-Drama이론
(The Theory of K-Drama)
3 3
OC302 외국어로서의한국어어휘교육론
(The Theory of Korean Language Vocabulary Education)
3 2 1 OC308 문화관광해설
(Culture and Tourism Commentary)
3 2 1
OC303 4차산업과한국학
(The 4th Industry & Korean Studies)
3 2 1 OC309 K-Beauty트렌드연구
(Trend Research on K-Beauty)
3 2 1
OC304 K-Culture제작워크숍
(Production Workshop for K-Culture)
3 2 1 OC310 공공외교와NGO의이해
(Understanding Public Diplomacy and NGO)
3 3
OC305 외국어로서의한국어문법교육론
(The Theory of Korean Language Grammar Education)
3 2 1 OC311 K-Culture를통한스피치실습
(Speech Practical Training through K-Culture)
3 2 1
OC306 스토리텔링
(Story Telling)
3 2 1 OC312 외국어로서의한국어교재론
(The Theory of Korean Language Textbook)
3 2 1
4 OC401 한국어교육실습
(Practical Training of Korean Language Education)
3 1 2 OC403 연극으로배우는한국어(캡스톤디자인)
(Korean Language Learning by Plays)
3 1 2
OC402 한류콘텐츠세미나
(Korean Wave Contents Seminar)
3 2 1 OC404 글로벌한국학세미나
(Global Korean Studies Seminar)
3 2 1
Total of Major(전공 소계) 36 25 11 Total of Major(전공 소계) 36 27 9

Cr1: Credits(학점), Th2: Theory(이론), Pr3: Practice(실습)

Graduation credits (졸업학점 구조표)
Category Basic General
Elective General Education Basic Under
Major Graduation
Single Major 14 14 18 More than 54 130
Double Major or Minor See the 『Curriculum Guide』 p.6.(제2전공 복수 이수) or p.7.(부전공과정 이수)
※ Double Major: Completion of 36 major credits in each major
※ Minor: Completion of whole required original major credits and 21 major credits in minor major

Global Mechanical Design Engineering

Category Grade 1st semester 2nd semester
Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3 Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3
General Education
1 QY001 대학생활설계
(College Life Design)
1 1
QY023 한국어말하기듣기(1)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(1))
2 2 QY025 한국어말하기듣기(2)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(2))
2 2
QY020 한국어쓰기(1)
(Korean Writing(1))
2 2 QY021 한국어쓰기(2)
(Korean Writing(2))
2 2
QY024 한국어읽기(1)
(Korean Reading(1))
2 2 QY026 한국어읽기(2)
(Korean Reading(2))
2 2
2 QY022 한국의예절과문화
(Korean Manners and culture)
2 2
Engineering Basic 1 SN145 Calculus 3 3 SN147 Linear Algebra 3 3
SN146 Probability and Statistics 3 3 SN148 Discrete Mathematics 3 3
Basic Under
1 SJ010 Global Presentation 3 1 2
2 SJ011 Object-Oriented Programming: C++ 3 2 1 SJ013 Engineering Programming 3 1 2 
SJ012 Engineering Mathematics 1 3 3 SJ014 Engineering Mathematics 2 3 3
3 SJ015 Capstone Design 1 3 3
Major 1 OD101 Physics 1 3 3 OD102 Physics 2 3 3
2 OD201 3D CAD 1 3 1 2 OD204 3D CAD 2 3 1 2
OD202 Statics 3 3 OD205 Thermodynamics 3 3 
OD203 Mechanical Drawing 3 1 2 OD206 Solid Mechanics 3 3
3 OD301 Fluid Dynamics 3 3   OD306 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 3
OD302 Finite Element Method 3 1 2 OD307 Control Engineering 3 3
OD303 Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 3 2 1  OD308 Mechanical Design 3 2 1
OD304 Dynamics 3 3   OD309 Mechanical Engineering Material 3 3  
OD305 3D CAD 3 3 1 2  OD310 3D CAD 4 3 1 2
4 OD401 Capstone Design 2 3 3 OD404 Capstone Design 3 3 3
OD402 Body Structure Design 3 1 2 OD405 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 1 2
OD403 Structure Analysis 3 1 2
Total of Major 36 20 16 Total of Major 33 23 10

Cr1: Credits, Th2: Theory, Pr3: Practice

Graduation credits
Category Basic General Education Engineering Basic Basic Under
Major Graduation
Single Major 14 12 18 More than 54 130
Double Major or
See the 『Curriculum Guide』 p.6.(제2전공 복수 이수) or p.7.(부전공과정 이수)
※ Double Major: Completion of 36 major credits in each major
※ Minor: Completion of whole required original major credits and 21 major credits in minor major

Global IT Engineering

Category Grade 1st semester 2nd semester
Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3 Course Code Course Title Cr1 Th2 Pr3
General Education
1 QY001 대학생활설계
(College Life Design)
1 1
QY023 한국어말하기듣기(1)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(1))
2 2 QY025 한국어말하기듣기(2)
(Korean Speaking&Listening(2))
2 2
QY020 한국어쓰기(1)
(Korean Writing(1))
2 2 QY021 한국어쓰기(2)
(Korean Writing(2))
2 2
QY024 한국어읽기(1)
(Korean Reading(1))
2 2 QY026 한국어읽기(2)
(Korean Reading(2))
2 2
2 QY022 한국의예절과문화
(Korean Manners and culture)
2 2
Engineering Basic 1 SN145 Calculus 3 3 SN147 Linear Algebra 3 3
SN146 Probability and Statistics 3 3 SN148 Discrete Mathematics 3 3
Basic Under
1 SJ010 Global Presentation 3 1 2
2 SJ011 Object-Oriented Programming: C++ 3 2 1 SJ013 Engineering Programming 3 1 2 
SJ012 Engineering Mathematics 1 3 3 SJ014 Engineering Mathematics 2 3 3
3 SJ015 Capstone Design 1 3 3
Major 1 OE101 IT Foundation and Practice 3 1 2 OE102 Introduction to IT Engineering 3 3
2 OE201 Problem Solving Design 3 3 OE205 Web Design Fundamentals 3 2 1
OE202 Data Science with Python 3 2 1 OE206 Operating Systems and Systems Programming 3 2 1
OE203 Computer Architecture 3 2 1 OE207 Data Analysis with R 3 2 1
OE204 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 2 1 OE208 Computer Programming: Java 3 2 1
3 OE301 Introduction to Database Systems 3 2 1 OE305 Machine Learning with Applications 3 2 1
OE302 Artificial Intelligence Introduction 3 3 OE306 Computer Networks and the Internet 3 2 1
OE303 Software Engineering 3 2 1 OE307 Computer Security 3 2 1
OE304 Human Computer Interaction Design 3 2 1 OE308 Computer Vision 3 2 1
OE309 Mobile App Programming 3 1 2
4 OE401 Capstone Design 2 3 3 OE404 Capstone Design 3 3 3
OE402 Big Data Analysis 3 2 1 OE405 Deep Learning Introduction 3 2 1
OE403 Cloud Computing 3 2 1
Total of Major 36 23 13 Total of Major 36 22 14

Cr1: Credits, Th2: Theory, Pr3: Practice

Graduation credits
Category Basic General Education Engineering Basic Basic Under
Major Graduation
Single Major 14 12 18 More than 54 130
Double Major or
See the 『Curriculum Guide』 p.6.(제2전공 복수 이수) or p.7.(부전공과정 이수)
※ Double Major: Completion of 36 major credits in each major
※ Minor: Completion of whole required original major credits and 21 major credits in minor major