Majors / Admission

Course Curriculum (School of Global Studies)

  • Each student need to map out and plan their own course curriculum very carefully in order to graduate on time.
  • Students needs to take total 130 credits to complete their bachelor degrees.
14 Credits in Basic General Education
+ 14 Credits in Elective General Education
+ 18 Credits in Basic Undergraduate
+ 54 Credits in Major

+ 30 Credits from other courses
= 130 Credits
Basic General Education
College Life Design (1 credit) Korean Speaking&Listening (1) (2 credits) Korean Speaking&Listening (2) (2 credits) Korean Writing(1) (2 credits) Korean Writing(2) (2 credits) Korean Reading(1) (2 credits) Korean Reading(2) (2 credits) Korean Culture & Manner (2 credits) = 15 credits
Basic Undergraudate
Business Computing (3 credits) Global Manners (3 credits) Academic Writing (3 credits) Service Management (3 credits) Business Statistics (3 credits) Introduction to Korean Culture(3 credits) = 18 credits

33 credits

Course Curriculum (School of Global Engineering)

  • Each student need to map out and plan their own course curriculum very carefully in order to graduate on time.
  • Students needs to take total 130 credits to complete their bachelor degrees.
14 Credits in Basic General Education
+ 12 Credits in Engineering Basic
+ 18 Credits in Basic Undergraduate
+ 54 Credits in Major

+ 32 Credits from other courses
= 130 Credits
Engineering Basic
Calculus (3 credits) Linear Algebra (3 credits) Probability and Statistics (3 credits) Discrete Mathematics (3 credits) = 12 credits
Basic Undergraudate
Global Presentation (3 credits) Object-Oriented Programming: C++
(3 credits)
Engineering Programming (3 credits) Engineering Mathematics 1 (3 credits) Engineering Mathematics 2 (3 credits) Capstone Design (3 credits) = 18 credits

30 credits

Graduation Requirements

Graduatation Requirements

Students that entered / transferred after 2021 must get a language certificate to graduate!!

English Test Standards

  • TOEFL IBT 71 (PBT 530, CBT 197)
  • IELTS 5.5
  • CEFR B2
  • TEPS 601
  • NEW TEPS 327
  • TOEIC 700

Korean Test Standards

  • TOPIK level 4
  • 사회통합프로그램 (KIIP) level 4 or pre-evaluation scores 81
  • 세종학당(King Sejong Institute) Korean Course Intermediate 2

*다만, 일부 과정(정부초청장학생, 외국정부 지원 장학생, 예체능 학과 입학생) 및 기관 간의 협정을 근거로 유치한 학생의 경우 TOPIK 3급 이상

*Students admitted as government-invited scholarship students, foreign government-funded scholarship students, arts and sports majoring students can graduate if they acquire TOPIK level 3 or higher