
Notice 2024 Spring Semester Orientation for International Students

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Author 관리자
Views 205Times On 24-06-24 15:00


2024 Spring Semester Orientation for International Students 


On February 28, 2024, the Global College at Kyungsung University conducted an orientation for new international students, welcoming a large number of participants. This event was designed to provide crucial information and support to help new students acclimate to their academic and social life in Korea.

The orientation began with a warm welcome from university faculties and staffs, who expressed their enthusiasm for the new students joining the academic community. The session covered a comprehensive overview of the academic schedule, including important dates and deadlines for the upcoming semester. 

In addition to academic information, the orientation provided practical advice for living in Korea. Topics included navigating public transportation, understanding cultural norms, and essential tips for daily life. The goal was to ensure that international students feel comfortable and confident in their new environment.