Media Congratulations on your graduation!
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Author 관리자
Views 532Times On 25-02-14 15:16
Views 532Times On 25-02-14 15:16

Congratulations to all international graduate and undergraduate students on your graduation today!
May the precious memories and knowledge you gained at Kyungsung University continue to shine brightly on your journey ahead. Wishing you all success and happiness wherever you go!
오늘 졸업을 맞이한 외국인 유학생 대학원생 및 학부생 여러분, 진심으로 축하드립니다!
경성대학교에서 쌓은 소중한 추억과 배움이 앞으로 여러분의 길을 환하게 비추길 바랍니다. 어디에서든 항상 빛나는 모습으로 나아가길 응원할게요!
For more photo of today, please check here!!
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